Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Retrieve Static APIDOC

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

import base64
import os
import os.path
import sys
import time
import argparse
from six.moves.urllib import error as urllib2
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse

import warnings

import zope.testbrowser.browser
import zope.testbrowser.wsgi

from import classregistry


# A mapping of HTML elements that can contain links to the attribute that
# actually contains the link, with the exception of standard <a> tags.
urltags = {
    "area": "href",
    "base": "href",
    "frame": "src",
    "iframe": "src",
    "link": "href",
    "img": "src",
    "script": "src",

def getMaxWidth():
        import curses
    except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
            cols = curses.tigetnum('cols')
            if cols > 0:
                return cols
        except curses.error: # pragma: no cover
    return 80 # pragma: no cover

[docs]def cleanURL(url): """Clean a URL from parameters.""" if '?' in url: url = url.split('?')[0] if '#' in url: url = url.split('#')[0] fragments = list(urlparse.urlparse(url)) fragments[2] = os.path.normpath(fragments[2]) fragments[2].replace('//', '/') norm = urlparse.urlunparse(fragments) return norm
[docs]def completeURL(url): """Add file to URL, if not provided.""" if url.endswith('/'): url += 'index.html' if '.' not in url.split('/')[-1]: url += '/index.html' fragments = list(urlparse.urlparse(url)) fragments[2] = os.path.normpath(fragments[2]) return urlparse.urlunparse(fragments)
class OnlineBrowser(zope.testbrowser.browser.Browser): def setUserAndPassword(self, user, pw): """Specify the username and password to use for the retrieval.""" user_pw = user + ':' + pw if not isinstance(user_pw, bytes): user_pw = user_pw.encode('utf-8') encoded = base64.b64encode(user_pw).strip() if not isinstance(encoded, str): encoded = encoded.decode('ascii') self.addHeader("Authorization", 'Basic ' + encoded) @classmethod def begin(cls): return cls() def end(self): pass def setDebugMode(self, debug): handle = not debug self.addHeader('X-zope-handle-errors', str(handle)) class PublisherBrowser(zope.testbrowser.wsgi.Browser): old_appsetup_context = None def setUserAndPassword(self, user, pw): """Specify the username and password to use for the retrieval.""" self.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic %s:%s' % (user, pw)) @classmethod def begin(cls): # TODO: We need to let this define what config file to execute. from import APIDocLayer from import appsetup APIDocLayer.setUp() APIDocLayer.testSetUp() self = cls() # Fix up path for tests. self.old_appsetup_context = appsetup.getConfigContext() setattr(appsetup, '__config_context', APIDocLayer.context) return self def end(self): from import APIDocLayer from import appsetup APIDocLayer.testTearDown() APIDocLayer.tearDown() setattr(appsetup, '__config_context', self.old_appsetup_context) self.old_appsetup_context = None def setDebugMode(self, debug): self.handleErrors = not debug class ArbitraryLink(zope.testbrowser.browser.Link): attr_name = 'src' def __init__(self, elem, browser, base, attr_name=None): super(ArbitraryLink, self).__init__(elem, browser, base) if attr_name: self.attr_name = attr_name @property def url(self): relurl = self._link[self.attr_name] return self.browser._absoluteUrl(relurl)
[docs]class StaticAPIDocGenerator(object): """Static API doc Maker""" counter = 0 linkErrors = 0 htmlErrors = 0 otherErrors = 0 visited = () _old_ignore_modules = None _old_import_unknown_modules = None def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.linkQueue = [] if self.options.ret_kind == 'webserver': # pragma: no cover self.browser = OnlineBrowser self.base_url = self.options.url if self.base_url[-1] != '/': self.base_url += '/' else: assert self.options.ret_kind == 'publisher', self.options.ret_kind self.browser = PublisherBrowser self.base_url = 'http://localhost/' for url in self.options.additional_urls + [self.options.startpage]: link = Link(url, self.base_url) self.linkQueue.append(link) self.rootDir = self.options.target_dir self.maxWidth = getMaxWidth() - 13 self.needNewLine = False def __enter__(self): if not os.path.exists(self.rootDir): os.makedirs(self.rootDir) self.browser = self.browser.begin() self.browser.setUserAndPassword(self.options.username, self.options.password) self.browser.setDebugMode(self.options.debug) self._old_ignore_modules = classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES = set(self.options.ignore_modules) self._old_import_unknown_modules = classregistry.__import_unknown_modules__ if self.options.import_unknown_modules: classregistry.__import_unknown_modules__ = True def __exit__(self, *args): self.browser.end() classregistry.IGNORE_MODULES = self._old_ignore_modules classregistry.__import_unknown_modules__ = self._old_import_unknown_modules
[docs] def retrieve(self): """Start the retrieval of the apidoc.""" t0 = time.time() end_time = None if self.options.max_runtime: end_time = t0 + self.options.max_runtime self.visited = set() # Turn off deprecation warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) # Work through all links until there are no more to work on. self.sendMessage('Starting retrieval.') while self.linkQueue: link = self.linkQueue.pop() # Sometimes things are placed many times into the queue, for example # if the same link appears twice in a page. In those cases, we can # check at this point whether the URL has been already handled. if link.absoluteURL not in self.visited: self.showProgress(link) self.processLink(link) if end_time and time.time() >= end_time: break t1 = time.time() self.sendMessage("Run time: %.3f sec" % (t1-t0)) self.sendMessage("Links: %i" % self.counter) if self.linkQueue: self.sendMessage("Unprocessed links: %d" % len(self.linkQueue)) self.sendMessage("Link Retrieval Errors: %i" % self.linkErrors) self.sendMessage("HTML ParsingErrors: %i" % self.htmlErrors)
def showProgress(self, link): self.counter += 1 if self.options.progress: url = link.absoluteURL[-(self.maxWidth):] sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * (self.maxWidth + 13)) sys.stdout.write('\rLink %5d: %s' % (self.counter, url)) sys.stdout.flush() self.needNewLine = True def sendMessage(self, msg, verbosity=4): if self.options.verbosity >= verbosity: if self.needNewLine: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write(VERBOSITY_MAP.get(verbosity, 'INFO')+': ') sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() self.needNewLine = False def _handleDirForResponse(self, link): url = link.absoluteURL # Make sure the directory exists and get a file path. relativeURL = url.replace(self.base_url, '') segments = relativeURL.split('/') filename = segments.pop() dir_part = self.rootDir for segment in segments: dir_part = os.path.join(dir_part, segment) dir_part = os.path.normpath(dir_part) if not os.path.exists(dir_part): os.makedirs(dir_part) filepath = os.path.join(dir_part, filename) return filepath def _handleFindLinksForResponse(self, link): # Now retrieve all links and rewrite the html contents = self.browser.contents if not self.browser.isHtml: return contents url = link.absoluteURL html = self.browser._response.html # pylint:disable=protected-access baseUrl = self.browser._getBaseUrl() # pylint:disable=protected-access links = html.find_all('a') links = [zope.testbrowser.browser.Link(a, self.browser, baseUrl) for a in links] for tagname, attrname in urltags.items(): tags = html.find_all(tagname) tag_links = [ArbitraryLink(a, self.browser, baseUrl, attrname) for a in tags] links.extend(tag_links) mylinks = [] for l in links: try: mylinks.append(Link(l.url, self.base_url, url)) except KeyError: # Very occasionally we get a tag that doesn't have the expected # attribute. pass links = mylinks relativeURL = url.replace(self.base_url, '') segments = relativeURL.split('/') segments.pop() # filename for page_link in links: # Make sure we do not handle unwanted links. if not page_link.isLocalURL() or not page_link.isApidocLink(): # pragma: no cover continue # Add link to the queue if page_link.absoluteURL not in self.visited: self.linkQueue.insert(0, page_link) # Rewrite URLs parts = ['..'] * len(segments) parts.append(page_link.absoluteURL.replace(self.base_url, '')) contents = contents.replace(page_link.originalURL, '/'.join(parts)) return contents def _handleOneResponse(self, link): # Get the response content filepath = self._handleDirForResponse(link) contents = self._handleFindLinksForResponse(link) # Write the data into the file if not isinstance(contents, bytes): contents = contents.encode('utf-8') try: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(contents) except IOError: # pragma: no cover # The file already exists, so it is a duplicate and a bad one, # since the URL misses `index.hml`. ReST can produce strange URLs # that produce this problem, and we have little control over it. # In other words, since we don't specify to open the file # in exclusive creation, perhaps it refers to a # directory? Or the disk is getting full? pass
############################################################################### # Command-line UI def _create_arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("target_dir", help="The directory to contain the output files") ###################################################################### # Retrieval retrieval = parser.add_argument_group(title="Retrieval", description="Options that deal with setting up the generator") ret_kind = retrieval.add_mutually_exclusive_group() ret_kind.add_argument( '--publisher', '-p', action="store_const", dest='ret_kind', const="publisher", default='publisher', help="""Use the publisher directly to retrieve the data. The program will bring up Zope 3 for you. This is the recommended option. """ ) ret_kind.add_argument( '--webserver', '-w', action="store_const", dest='ret_kind', const="webserver", help="""Use an external Web server that is connected to Zope 3. This is not tested.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--url', '-u', action="store", dest='url', default="http://localhost/", help="""The URL that will be used to retrieve the HTML pages. This option is meaningless if you are using the publisher as backend. Also, the value of this option should *not* include the `++apidoc++` namespace.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--startpage', '-s', action="store", dest='startpage', default='/++apidoc++/static.html', help="""The startpage specifies the path (after the URL) that is used as the starting point to retrieve the contents. This option can be very useful for debugging, since it allows you to select specific pages. """ ) retrieval.add_argument( '--username', '--user', action="store", dest='username', default="mgr", help="""Username to access the Web site.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--password', '--pwd', action="store", dest='password', default="mgrpw", help="""Password to access the Web site.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--add', '-a', action="append", dest='additional_urls', nargs="*", default=[ '/@@/varrow.png', '/@@/harrow.png', '/@@/tree_images/minus.png', '/@@/tree_images/plus.png', '/@@/tree_images/minus_vline.png', '/@@/tree_images/plus_vline.png', ], help="""Add an additional URL to the list of URLs to retrieve. Specifying those is sometimes necessary, if the links are hidden in cryptic Javascript code.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--ignore', '-i', action="append", dest='ignore_modules', nargs="*", default=['twisted', ''], help="""Add modules that should be ignored during retrieval. That allows you to limit the scope of the generated API documentation.""" ) # XXX: How can this actually be turned off or disallowed? retrieval.add_argument( '--load-all', '-l', action="store_true", dest='import_unknown_modules', default=True, help="""Retrieve all referenced modules, even if they have not been imported during the startup process.""" ) retrieval.add_argument( '--max-runtime', action='store', type=int, default=0, help="""If given, the program will attempt to run for no longer than this many seconds, terminating after the time limit and leaving output unfinished. This is most helpful for tests.""" ) ###################################################################### # Reporting reporting = parser.add_argument_group(title="Reporting", description="Options that configure the user output information.") reporting.add_argument( '--verbosity', '-v', type=int, dest='verbosity', default=5, help="""Specifies the reporting detail level.""" ) reporting.add_argument( '--progress', '-b', action="store_true", dest='progress', default=True, help="""Output progress status.""" ) reporting.add_argument( '--debug', '-d', action="store_true", dest='debug', help="""Run in debug mode. This will allow you to use the debugger, if the publisher experienced an error.""" ) return parser ###################################################################### # Command-line processing def get_options(args=None): #original_testrunner_args = args options = _create_arg_parser().parse_args(args) #options.original_testrunner_args = original_testrunner_args return options # Command-line UI ############################################################################### def main(args=None, generator=StaticAPIDocGenerator): options = get_options(args) maker = generator(options) try: # Replace a few things to make this work better. # First, some scripts have names like __main__ and want to # peek at sys.argv; arguments for us will not be correct # for them, so we replace argv. Likewise, they may want to # exit, and we don't want them to do that. old_argv = sys.argv sys.argv = ['program', '--help'] old_exit = sys.exit def exit(_arg): pass sys.exit = exit with maker: maker.retrieve() return maker finally: sys.argv = old_argv sys.exit = old_exit if __name__ == '__main__': import logging logging.basicConfig() main() sys.exit(0)