Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Utilties to make the life of Documentation Modules easier.

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import re
import sys
import types
import inspect
import os.path

import six

from zope.component import createObject, getMultiAdapter
from zope.interface import implementer, implementedBy
from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
from import getCheckerForInstancesOf, Global
from import INameBasedChecker
from import isinstance, removeSecurityProxy

import zope.i18nmessageid
from zope.container.interfaces import IReadContainer

from import safe_import, IGNORE_MODULES

_ = zope.i18nmessageid.MessageFactory("zope")

_remove_html_overhead = re.compile(

space_re = re.compile(r'\n^( *)\S', re.M)

_marker = object()

[docs]def relativizePath(path): """Convert the path to a relative form.""" matching_paths = [p for p in sys.path if path.startswith(p)] if not matching_paths: # pragma: no cover return path longest_matching_path = max(matching_paths, key=len) common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([longest_matching_path, path]) return path.replace(common_prefix, 'Zope3') if common_prefix else path
[docs]def truncateSysPath(path): """Remove the system path prefix from the path.""" matching_paths = [p for p in sys.path if path.startswith(p)] if not matching_paths: # pragma: no cover return path longest_matching_path = max(matching_paths, key=len) common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([longest_matching_path, path]) return path.replace(common_prefix, '')[1:] if common_prefix else path
[docs]class ReadContainerBase(object): """Base for :class:`zope.container.interfaces.IReadContainer` objects.""" __parent__ = None __name__ = None def __repr__(self): if self.__name__ is None: return super(ReadContainerBase, self).__repr__() c = type(self) return "<%s.%s '%s' at 0x%x>" % (c.__module__, c.__name__, self.__name__, id(self)) def get(self, key, default=None): raise NotImplementedError() def items(self): raise NotImplementedError() def __getitem__(self, key): default = object() obj = self.get(key, default) if obj is default: raise KeyError(key) return obj def __contains__(self, key): return self.get(key) is not None def keys(self): return [k for k, _v in self.items()] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values()) def values(self): return [v for _k, v in self.items()] def __len__(self): return len(self.items())
[docs]class DocumentationModuleBase(ReadContainerBase): """Support for implementing a documentation module."""
[docs] def withParentAndName(self, parent, name): "Subclasses need to override this if they are stateful." located = type(self)() located.__parent__ = parent located.__name__ = name return located
[docs]def getPythonPath(obj): """Return the path of the object in standard Python notation. This method should try very hard to return a string, even if it is not a valid Python path. """ if obj is None: return None # Even for methods `im_class` and `__module__` is not allowed to be # accessed (which is probably not a bad idea). So, we remove the security # proxies for this check. naked = removeSecurityProxy(obj) qname = '' if hasattr(naked, '__qualname__'): # Python 3. This makes unbound functions inside classes # do the same thing as they do an Python 2: return just their # class name. qname = naked.__qualname__ qname = qname.split('.')[0] if hasattr(naked, 'im_class'): # Python 2, unbound methods naked = naked.im_class if isinstance(naked, types.MethodType): naked = type(naked.__self__) module = getattr(naked, '__module__', _marker) if module is _marker: return naked.__name__ return '%s.%s' %(module, qname or naked.__name__)
[docs]def isReferencable(path): """Return whether the Python path is referencable.""" # Sometimes no path exists, so make a simple check first; example: None if path is None: return False # There are certain paths that we do not want to reference, most often # because they are outside the scope of this documentation for exclude_name in IGNORE_MODULES: if path.startswith(exclude_name): return False split_path = path.rsplit('.', 1) if len(split_path) == 2: module_name, obj_name = split_path else: module_name, obj_name = split_path[0], None # Do not allow private attributes to be accessible if (obj_name is not None and obj_name.startswith('_') and not (obj_name.startswith('__') and obj_name.endswith('__'))): return False module = safe_import(module_name) if module is None: return False # If the module imported correctly and no name is provided, then we are # all good. if obj_name is None: return True obj = getattr(module, obj_name, _marker) if obj is _marker: return False # Detect singeltons; those are not referencable in apidoc (yet) if hasattr(obj, '__class__') and getPythonPath(obj.__class__) == path: return False return True
def _evalId(id): if isinstance(id, Global): id = id.__name__ if id == 'CheckerPublic': id = 'zope.Public' return id
[docs]def getPermissionIds(name, checker=_marker, klass=_marker): """Get the permissions of an attribute.""" assert (klass is _marker) != (checker is _marker) entry = {} if klass is not _marker: checker = getCheckerForInstancesOf(klass) if checker is not None and INameBasedChecker.providedBy(checker): entry['read_perm'] = _evalId(checker.permission_id(name)) \ or _('n/a') entry['write_perm'] = _evalId(checker.setattr_permission_id(name)) \ or _('n/a') else: entry['read_perm'] = entry['write_perm'] = None return entry
def _checkFunctionType(func): if not callable(func): raise TypeError("func must be a function or method not a %s (%r)" % (type(func), func)) def _simpleGetFunctionSignature(func, ignore_self=False): """Return the signature of a function or method.""" _checkFunctionType(func) try: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) except TypeError: # On Python 2, inspect.getargspec can't handle certain types # of callable things, like object.__init__ (<slot wrapper '__init__'> is not # a python function), but it *can* handle them on Python 3. # Punt on Python 2 return '(<unknown>)' placeholder = object() sig = '(' # By filling up the default tuple, we now have equal indeces for args and # default. if defaults is not None: defaults = (placeholder,) * (len(args) - len(defaults)) + defaults else: defaults = (placeholder,) * len(args) str_args = [] for name, default in zip(args, defaults): # Neglect self, since it is always there and not part of the signature. # This way the implementation and interface signatures should match. if name == 'self' and (isinstance(func, types.MethodType) or ignore_self): # NOTE: this is actually covered, and removing the condition will break # tests. The coverage report doesn't show it, though, for some reason. continue # pragma: no cover # Make sure the name is a string if isinstance(name, (tuple, list)): name = '(' + ', '.join(name) + ')' elif not isinstance(name, str): # pragma: no cover name = repr(name) if default is placeholder: str_args.append(name) else: str_args.append(name + '=' + repr(default)) if varargs: str_args.append('*' + varargs) if varkw: str_args.append('**' + varkw) sig += ', '.join(str_args) return sig + ')' def _py33GetFunctionSignature(func, ignore_self=False): _checkFunctionType(func) result = str(inspect.signature(func)) if ignore_self and result.startswith("(self"): result = result.replace("(self)", "()").replace("(self, ", '(') return result try: inspect.signature except AttributeError: getFunctionSignature = _simpleGetFunctionSignature else: getFunctionSignature = _py33GetFunctionSignature
[docs]def getPublicAttributes(obj): """Return a list of public attribute names.""" attrs = [] for attr in dir(obj): if attr.startswith('_'): continue try: getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: continue attrs.append(attr) return attrs
[docs]def getInterfaceForAttribute(name, interfaces=_marker, klass=_marker, asPath=True): """Determine the interface in which an attribute is defined.""" if (interfaces is _marker) and (klass is _marker): raise ValueError("need to specify interfaces or klass") if (interfaces is not _marker) and (klass is not _marker): raise ValueError("must specify only one of interfaces and klass") if interfaces is _marker: direct_interfaces = list(implementedBy(klass)) interfaces = {} for interface in direct_interfaces: interfaces[interface] = 1 for base in interface.getBases(): interfaces[base] = 1 interfaces = interfaces.keys() for interface in interfaces: if name in interface.names(): if asPath: return getPythonPath(interface) return interface return None
[docs]def columnize(entries, columns=3): """Place a list of entries into columns.""" if len(entries) % columns == 0: per_col = len(entries) // columns last_full_col = columns else: per_col = len(entries) // columns + 1 last_full_col = len(entries) % columns columns = [] col = [] in_col = 0 for entry in entries: if in_col < per_col - int(len(columns) + 1 > last_full_col): col.append(entry) in_col += 1 else: columns.append(col) col = [entry] in_col = 1 if col: columns.append(col) return columns
_format_dict = { 'plaintext': 'zope.source.plaintext', 'structuredtext': 'zope.source.stx', 'restructuredtext': '' }
[docs]def getDocFormat(module): """Convert a module's __docformat__ specification to a renderer source id""" format = getattr(module, '__docformat__', 'restructuredtext').lower() # The format can also contain the language, so just get the first part format = format.split(' ')[0] return _format_dict.get(format, '')
[docs]def dedentString(text): """Dedent the docstring, so that docutils can correctly render it.""" dedent = min([len(match) for match in space_re.findall(text)] or [0]) return re.compile('\n {%i}' % dedent, re.M).sub('\n', text)
def renderText(text, module=None, format=None, dedent=True): if not text: return u'' if module is not None: if isinstance(module, six.string_types): module = sys.modules.get(module, None) if format is None: format = getDocFormat(module) if format is None: format = '' assert format in _format_dict.values() if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode('utf-8', 'replace') text = dedentString(text) source = createObject(format, text) renderer = getMultiAdapter((source, TestRequest())) return renderer.render()